Thursday, December 13, 2007

Don't Give Up Hope!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't abandoned them I've been very busy lately and I'll have to wait until after the holidays before I get into the great musical debate. In the meantime I think I'll post a link to one of my Youtube vids, just to stir things up a bit. It's politically controversial and was removed from the Flixya site I had it on. They suck anyway. Their site is all crap about how to make 48 cents a month "getting rich" online.
So, without further ado, here is my video "Just A Statement (About War)" (it features the song "Coma" by Buckethead with Serj Tankian of SOAD and Middle Eastern Singer Azam Ali)

Happy Holidays Everyone!

***NOTE: A few days after this was posted, WARNER BROS RECORDS, told Youtube to remove my video for Copyright Violation! Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm a HUGE supporter of music. I used to be a radio disc jockey, back in the days when record execs were at least equally concerned with PROMOTING good music as they were with squeezing every last dollar out of the fans. It's ALL about the money with the big companies now. That's why there's so much crap out there we're forced to ingest. I had just over 2 minutes of an 8 minute song that I used. This could hardly be construed as trying to cheat an artist out of royalties, as you would be missing MOST of the song by just listening to it on my video. I wanted to PROMOTE the's a GREAT song and I encourage people to go out and buy it, but get it from somewhere like iTunes, instead of maximizing the Warner profit they get from their overpriced CD's.
It really pisses me off when stuff like this happens, as it takes away from the actual message of the video, which is that so much money is spent wrongly, when we COULD be helping people buy food, medical supplies, education etc.
Now this post has become more about what dickheads Warner Bros. are than about the plight of the sick and suffering...fuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guppy!! how come no one talks to us?